Best Courier services, Cargo, Logistic in Kathmandu Nepal

Best Courier Services, Cargo, Logistic in Kathmandu Nepal You can find lots of online delivery services in Kathmandu Nepal and Below are the most famous Courier services. Please have a look in below list. 12. Sajilo Courier Service Sajilo Courier ServiceSajilo Courier Service helps every individual and organization to deliver their products at the rightRead More

Top 5 Richest People Of Nepal – 2019

Balram Chainrai. Born in October, 1958, and educated in Hong Kong, Chainrai speaks several languages, and is fluent in Cantonese, English and Sindhi. Having started his business career quite early in life, Chainrai soon established himself as a, leading business man in Hong Kong. His core company, Hornington Enterprises Limited was, incorporated in 1984 inRead More

How to grow your business? – A Step by Step Guide

Growing your business Whether you’re looking to set new business priorities, outline plans for growth, determine a product road-map or plan your investment decisions, you’ll need a strategy Here are simple steps to help you deliver an effective business growth strategy. Generate Leads First of all, you need to target your audience and identify whereRead More

Dolphins in Nepal – Koshi, Bardiya and Karnali River

Nepal River dolphins which are found in Nepal river are a polyphyletic group of fully aquatic mammals that can be found freshwater or brackish water. नेपालमा पानीको सतह दुई मिटर गहिराईसम्मको कोशी,कर्णाली आदि नदीमा डल्फिन भेटिन्छ! पानीमा बस्ने भएपनि यो माछाको जातीमा पर्दैन !डल्फिन स्तनधारी प्राणी हो ! यसले बच्चा जम्माउने गर्दछ! माछाको जस्तो स्वासRead More