Mind blowing Facts

  • Daytime naps improve memory and cut the risk of heart disease.
  • Only 8% of the world’s currency exists as physical cash; the rest is electronic.
  • Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is the fear of the number 666
  • There is a disease where you eventually stop sleeping, and then die. There is no cure
  • Smarter people tend to make sarcastic comments quicker than people who aren’t as smart
  • Ignorant people are more likely to believe they are brilliant, while intelligent people are more likely to underestimate themselves.
  • To make YouTube videos load faster, right click on the video, hit settings and move the ‘local storage’ scroll bar all the way to the right.
  • Alibaba’s founder Jack Ma was rejected from 30 jobs, including KFC, before becoming the richest man in China
  • If a pet owner dies in their house, a dog will wait several days to eat the corpse – A cat will only wait two days.
  • Coca Cola can be used to relieve an upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea and sore throat.
  • High heels were originally made for men, It was a sign of virility, masculinity and high status.
  • According to an Oxford study, falling in love costs you 2 friends.
  • Kissing can reduce tooth decay.
  • Aside from improving our moods, laughter can reduce stress, and reduce pain. It also releases anger, fear, guilt, anxiety, and tension.
  • Kissing is healthier than shaking hands.
  • When a woman is attracted to a man, she speaks in a higher pitch than normal.
  • Japan has over 50,000 people that are over 100 years old.
  • Mirrors are placed near elevators as a psychological trick tomake wait seem more tolerable. People like to look at themselves.
  • Mangoes are the most consumed fruit in the world
  • There’s a village in Nebraska with a population of 1. She acts as mayor & also pays taxes to herself.
  • There is a pizza place in Alaska that delivers by plane.
  • If you try to recite the alphabet without moving your lips or tongue every letter will sound the same.
  • The average 4 year-old asks 437 questions per day.
  • Tipping at a restaurant in Iceland is considered an insult.
  • Every person has a unique tongue print.
  • Even if you cut off a cockroach’s head, it can live for a few weeks
  • The world population of chickens is about equal to the number of people.
  • If humans were capable of hearing frequencies lower than 20 Hz, we would hear our muscles moving
  • Hot water can freeze faster than cold water.
  • Bananas are radioactive.
  • The “butterflies” you get in your stomach when you see someone you like is actually a stress response caused by adrenaline.
  • Your brain will perform better when you believe you’ve slept well, even if you haven’t.
  • Lip biting triggers a rush of chemicals to the brain which reduce anxiety and stress.
  • A person who hides their pain behind a smile is called an eccedentesiast.
  • Putting your phone on airplane mode will stop ads from popping up while playing games.
  • Poor eyesight is associated with higher intelligence.
  • The sound of cash being dispensed at an ATM is fake – produced by a speaker to give you the satisfaction of knowing your money is coming.
  • Pineapples contain an enzyme called Bromelain that eats flesh – so while you’re eating pineapple, the pineapple is eating you.
  • If you fail your driving test three times in Switzerland, you have to visit a psychologist to explain why you failed it.
  • The best revenge is to move on, get over it, and continue to succeed. Never give someone the satisfaction of watching you suffer.
  • 52 cards represent the 52 weeks in a year. 13 cards per suit represents the 13 months of the lunar year. 4 suits represent the 4 seasons.
  • There is a free website called “essaytyper” that lets you type a topic and it will write the paper for you in minutes.
  • You can remember the value of pi (3.1415926) by counting each word’s letters in “May I have a large container of coffee”
  • You live about 80 milliseconds in the past – that’s how long it takes your brain to process what is happening “now.”
  • A psychology study suggests that when you’re single, all you see are happy couples – When you’re committed, you see happy singles.
  • By the time you graduate high school, you will have spent about 19,000 hours of your life at school.
  • Ink for your printer is actually more expensive than blood.
  • Over-thinking about something slows down your brain.
  • US eggs would be illegal in a UK supermarket because they are washed. UK eggs would be illegal in a US supermarket because they are unwashed
  • Having excessive body hair is actually linked to having higher intellect.
  • The ‘zip’ in ‘zip code’ stands for ‘zone improvement plan’
  • A psychological study suggests, people who are generally ”too nice” are also the ones to get hurt the most.
  • If you have an itch, don’t scratch. Apply pressure. The reduced blood flow will stop the itching.
  • The 2 most effective treatments for battling depression are exercise and spending more time with pets.
  • The word “muggle” has been added into the Oxford dictionary. It’s defined as a person with no particular skill(s)
  • If you search for 241543903 in Google images, you’ll find a lot of pictures of people with their heads in the freezer.
  • Athazagoraphobia is the fear of being forgotten and or ignored by someone whom you care a lot about.
  • Hearing your name being called when no one has actually called your name is a likely sign of a healthy mind.
  • According to The American Medical Association, more than 60% of all human illness and disease is caused by stress.
  • School buses are yellow because yellow is seen faster than any other color, and seen 1.24 times faster than red.
  • Nobody knew how the fuck eels reproduce until 2015.An important predator to the Canadian Moose is the Killer whale.
  • The Moose will swim over seastraits and get picked off by the killer whales.
  • You can substitute blood for eggs in any recipe! 65g of blood can be used in place of one regular egg..
  • Dolphins have been known to tear the heads off fish and use their corpses as cocksleeves to masturbate.
  • Licking marshmallows and sticking them on a car on a night below freezing will cause the marshmallows to adhere so strongly that if they are removed while still frozen they will take the car paint with them.
  • Saddam Hussein wrote a romance novel.
  • Urine is historically one of the biggest exports that Newcastle UK ever had. It was used for a variety of purposes especially for making ammonia to make paint, as well as ballast in ships.
  • you can neutralize the smell of a rotting corpse by covering it with the ashes of a common camp fire! any wood ash should work, friends.
  • The last person who died building the hoover dam was the son of the first person who died building it.
  • Male hedgehogs masturbate for pleasure and you have to be careful picking them up because sometimes they have semen on their feet. It’s something you have to look out for when you’re a hedgehog owner like myself.
  • Ducks will fuck anything. Girl ducks, dude ducks, dead ducks, blue ducks.
  • All mammals over the weight of 3kg take approximately 21 seconds to pee, whether that be a housecat, a horse or an elephant.
  • Redheads require more anesthesia drugs to remain unconscious during surgery
  • If you feel the need to stab someone, stab oranges. They’re the same consistency as human flesh
  • Not only is an elephant’s penis prehensile it’s strong enough to throw a grown man around.
  • The farthest fall for a human being to survive without a parachute is 33,300 feet.
  • A whale dick is the size of a human
  • Hedgehogs shit when they run fast therefore if sonic the hedgehog was real he would shite himself to death
  • An opposum penis bifurcates into a Y shape. It urinates and ejaculates out of both of them
  • Snakes have two penises, echidnas have a four-headed one
  • Horses can masturbate by hitting their 70cm long dong against their bellies.
  • The last wild cow died in Krakow, Poland in 1952. Edit: a WP article states this date is actually Poland in 1627. Apologies to any cow historians.
  • The kangaroo is the only animal whose testicles are located above his penis.
  • The Defense mechanism of the sea cucumber is to eject its toxic internal organs out of its anus, causing the predator to eat them and die.
  • Many deaths in the Middle Ages resulted from pigs wandering into peasant homes and eating babies out of their cradles.
  • If you want to get a tiger to eat a body, cover it in Salmon Oil.
  • So when you fall into a black hole, the difference in gravitational pull between your head and feet become so pronounced as you get closer to the center that it stretches your body. You are quite literally ripped apart in a process called spaghettification.
  • A sock over a baseball bat is a really effective home defense weapon. If they grab the bat, the sock will make the bat slip out of their grasp and you can continue beating them until they get out
  • An elephants testicles are inside it’s body, so predators don’t have an easy snack. If they hung down, it’s a quick and simple snack that’s just hanging down in front of them
  • Rubbing alcohol has methanol and isopropanol (both really toxic for humans) put in it on purpose because without them, it would be subject to the taxes they put on drinkable alcohol
  • During sex, a whale can ejaculate up to 100 gallons of semen.
  • If you are going to skin someone alive you need to keep them in a well heated room or they will die from hypothermia because it will get rid of their insulation
  • If you are a constipated biological female, you can insert a finger in your vagina and push down to force poop out.
  • Bees can vibrate their bodies super fast which produces a lot heat. In order for a hive to defend themselves from intruders like wasps they will dog pile the wasp while vibrating and it will eventually cook the wasp alive.

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