Corona/covid-19 death in nepal
On Jan 17
The corona test report of a 25-year-old man, who died in the quarantine of Banke, on Sunday morning has come positive.
Minister for Social Development of State 5, test conducted at Bheri Hospital showed coronavirus infection in the youth.
“His report is positive, and the death toll from the corona has risen to two,” Baral said.
Minister Baral informed that he has instructed to manage the corpse of the deceased on the basis of the procedure prepared by the Ministry of Health. Minister Baral said that the body would be buried with the help of Nepal Army, Nepal Police and other security personnel.
On Jan 16
Covid-19 corona virus has killed a woman.
She is the first person to die from corona in Nepal.
A few days ago, she gave birth at the Teaching Hospital and was admitted to Dhulikhel Hospital due to respiratory problems.
She 29 years old woman from Sindhupalchwok Ramche, Barhabise Municipality-9, took her last breath due to COVID-19 on the way to Dhulikhel Hospital Thursday night. A PCR test was performed after suspicion and it came out to be positive.